Tinnitus, that symptom of hearing sounds that have no obvious source affects many adults worldwide. Specific numbers are hard to estimate because of the wide range of definitions and degree of annoyance experienced by those affected. Some studies have suggested that as many as 80% of the adult population experience tinnitus at some point in […]
Sleeping with Tinnitus
Tinnitus may interfere with your sleeping. In the quiet of your bedroom the constant ringing or buzzing in your ear may become particularly annoying and deprive you of a good night’s rest. However, you can take several steps to help you sleep better with tinnitus. The RNID fact sheet about tinnitus and sleep provides the […]
Tinnitus and Stress
Tinnitus is mostly seen and treated as a circulatory disorder in the inner ear. Researchers have, however, found other factors influencing the treatment of tinnitus. In a continuing study at the medical school in Hanover, Germany, the researchers discovered the degree to which the patient’s general well-being plays a role in connection with tinnitus. While […]
Noise is not alone in causing Tinnitus
Noise is a key cause of tinnitus but not the only one. Middle ear and sinus infections cause almost as many cases of tinnitus and serious neck injuries increase the risk of suffering from tinnitus by more than one third. These were the conclusions based on an Australian study, conducted among 2,015 people over the […]
Tinnitus Patients Feel Better with Hearing Aids
If you have tinnitus, a hearing aid may help you, according to hearing specialists. Hearing aids may reduce the stress of bad hearing and offer sound therapy. Hearing aids are likely to make you feel better about your tinnitus. According to hearing health specialists in the United States, six in 10 tinnitus patients report that […]
How to Manage Your Tinnitus
Knowing where to turn for help can be difficult, especially when dealing with a condition like tinnitus that lacks a definitive cure and differs dramatically between those who experience the symptom. The American Tinnitus Association (ATA) is an excellent resource offering unbiased advice for individuals who are experiencing bothersome tinnitus. The ATA offers a Patient […]
What’s all this noise about Tinnitus?
According to the American Tinnitus Association, nearly 50 million Americans experience tinnitus. Pronounced as “Tinn/EYE’/tus” or “TINN’/eh/tus, the symptom is a sensation experienced by people often as a result of some type of damage to the ears such as exposure to excessive noise. It may also be the result of certain medications, or musculoskeletal issues […]
Ask An Audiologist: What Is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is described as any abnormal ear noise and can arise in the outer ear, the middle ear, the inner ear or the brain. It is not a disorder in and of itself, but rather a symptom and may be perceived as ringing, buzzing or humming. Some people describe it as a “clicking” or “pulsing” […]